ArtFusion Event Recap - Modern Plasters and Metallic Paints - Concrete Plaster, Venetian Plaster, Textured Metallics
San Marco Decorative Paint and Plaster Course Makes a Stop in Colorado
The roads, scenery, hiking, downhill skiing and the breathtaking views are a just a few items that interest tourists to the state of Colorado. How can you resist the picturesque mountains, tundras, wildlife and proximity to the Rocky Mountain National Park? Last week, The Decora Company took a trip to Estes Park, Colorado and offered a course to those native and non-native to the state.
The Decora Company took part in the annual ArtFusion Event on October 1 through October 5. For those of you unfamiliar with this event, ArtFusion is a not for profit organization which focuses on the mission of, “the fusion of Professional Decorative Finishers, Artists, Painting Contractors and Designers with arts & culture to enrich our skills, portfolio and ourselves.” You can learn more about ArtFusion, it’s initiatives and upcoming events here: (https://www.artfusionevent.com/).
This year’s event in Colorado brought in more than 200 decorative finishers and artists looking to share their expertise and industry knowledge to others within the industry and also to event participants willing to learn more.
Our course on, “New Modern Plasters and Textured Metallics (https://www.artfusionevent.com/classes/luigi),” taught individuals with skills ranging from novice to expert on the application of decorative textures, venetian plasters and metallics. Luigi Sparacello, the course instructor, provided individuals attending the course with his knowledge on traditional Italian decoration techniques, which he successfully translated into a new and modern approach.
See Luigi in action below at our recent course in Colorado. (ADD IMAGES)
Luigi is perhaps most well known for his commercial decorative expertise and has worked extensively in the art & decor industry with clients including Venetian, Disney, Marriott, MGM, Universal and more. See more on Luigi’s background, work, and more here: www.decora-art.com
Luigi introduced new San Marco decoratives to course participants on October 1 to show them how to use these products, keep the costs down and complete jobs quickly. Matt Drake, Owner of The Decora Company said, “The class turn out in Colorado was incredibile and the in-depth instruction provided by Luigi was paramount for helping our participants see first-hand the technique, skill and application that goes into creating the Venetian look. It was a fun atmosphere to be a part of and to see the student’s work and progress throughout made the class that much more worthwhile.”
Our week in a just a few pictures (below):
The Decora Company would like to thank ArtFusion for allowing us to be a part of the event! If you would like to learn more about Venetian plaster, the principle, application/technique or see more of the San Marco products we sell please visit www.decorapainttools.com for more information.
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