Benefits of Painting Your Interior and Exterior Wall
Most of us have concluded our spring cleaning on the inside. With the arrival of warmer weather, many individuals turn their focus to their home's exterior, considering cleaning, fixing, or repainting it. Exterior painting enhances the attractiveness of your property while also providing safety and protection of your home.
Painting your walls and other interior painted surfaces is similar in that it both beautifies and protects them. To keep your home healthy, looking its best, and maintaining or increasing the value of your property, it's a good idea to give it a fresh coat of paint every few years. This year, we've put together a list of the advantages of using professional paints whether you’re a professional for your next project or you just want to enhance your property by doing it on your own.
Here are the few benefits of painting your interior wall.
Boost your mood at home
Interior painting is one of the best instruments for making your home more comfortable and cheerful because it is a very inexpensive way to improve it. If you haven't painted your home in a while and have outdated colors that you don't like or didn't pick, it may not feel like a place where you feel completely at ease. Furthermore, because many individuals are working from home and/or staying at home more, making your home's colors appealing is a larger concern.
Fresh paint color might make you feel quiet and relaxed (blues and greens), active and productive (yellows and oranges), or even comfy and content, depending on the color scheme you choose (neutral colors). You may consult a color expert or your interior designer if you're having problems deciding on the right hue(s) for your home.
Prevent Damage and Protect Your Home
Painting your interior walls safeguards your home either now or in the future. The majority of interior walls are constructed of moisture-absorbing materials. Too much absorption over time might result in deteriorated walls, which can compromise the structural integrity of your home. Mold growth is aided by moisture inside walls, which can be hazardous to anyone's health. The purpose of paint is to keep moisture out of your home's permeable walls.
Boost the Value of Your Property
One of the simplest methods to boost the overall value of your property is to paint it. This is true for both the inside and outside of your home. A nice paint job and decorative wall show potential buyers that you've taken good care of your property. It can also help a home on the market sell faster and for more money than the asking price.
A professional interior paint job by a skilled painting contractor can last up to 7 years or even more. So even if you don't plan on selling your home anytime soon, it's an investment in your home that pays off spectacularly.
If you’re planning to do it yourself, say for example just to enhance your home room by room, the best place to get your supplies is at The Decora Company. There, you’ll be provided with a wide range of paints and hues together with the right tools for you to achieve the look that you’re aiming for.
The best way to achieve a special stone effect is to use MARMO D'AUTORE - Lime Marmorino Plaster w Special Stone Effect by San Marco. It is a decorative wall coating for exteriors and interiors, based on a mineral lime binder and selected powders of colored marble. It has a smooth and semi-matt appearance. It comes in three options:
- Botticino - Plaster with a mica dotted texture in a shade of yellow parchment for which results in a look similar to Botticino Marble.
- Rubino - Plaster with a ruby red granite mica dotted texture which gives a rich red hue to the wall
- Emerald - Plaster with an emerald green granite mica dotted texture which gives a subtle hint of emerald to your wall.
MARMO D'AUTORE can have various decorative effects according to the application technique, and imagination of the decorator. MARMO D'AUTORE has excellent breathability and is particularly suitable for historic or artistic restoration works.
Start your home repainting project with The Decora Company and you’re surely achieve the best for your interior and external walls.
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