Satin vs. Matte Finish: Which is the best for your next home project?
Our guide explaining the differences between satin and matte paint explains when to use each type and how to get the greatest results from your project.
Having trouble choosing between satin and matte walls? It is not just color that needs to be taken into account when painting your interior walls to give them a new look. Picking the ideal finish for each task will guarantee you the best outcomes. There are numerous finishes to choose from, each with varying gloss, toughness, and coverage.
Identifying satin and matte paint or plaster can be one of the most difficult decisions. Simply said, satin is somewhat glossier than matte and therefore more durable and easier to clean. Satin paint works well in all weather conditions, therefore it can also be used outside. When it comes to paint sheen levels, matte is less reflecting and is typically utilized for interior walls.
Matte coatings offer good coverage and color depth and are almost as shine-free as flat ones. Because of how simple it is to apply and how smooth it feels once it has dried, it is a favorite among decorators. Matte paints and plasters are excellent choices for ceilings and walls, especially in low activity areas like the bedroom, as they are very forgiving and effectively conceal surface and application flaws. A different kind of finish is satin, which delivers a shinier, more reflective appearance with an increased level of durability. A satin finish works well on windows, doors, and trim.
Because matte paint and plaster have a significantly lower sheen or gloss than satin finishes, they won't reflect light as much. Due to its high pigment content, matte is quick and simple to apply and is ideal for hiding any surface flaws on walls. Because it is harder to clean than satin, it is best used on ceilings and in less utilized places. However, if you're willing to repaint every few years when it starts to appear a little worn-out, it is a fantastically cost-effective alternative and is perfect for interior walls.
One of the best matte plaster at The Decora Company is the MARMO D'AUTORE.
MARMO D'AUTORE is a decorative wall coating for exteriors and interiors, based on a mineral lime binder and selected powders of colored marble. It has a smooth and semi-matt appearance. It comes in three options:
- Botticino - Plaster with a mica dotted texture in a shade of yellow parchment for which results in a look similar to Botticino Marble.
- Rubino - Plaster with a ruby red granite mica dotted texture which gives a rich red hue to the wall
- Emerald - Plaster with an emerald green granite mica dotted texture which gives a subtle hint of emerald to your wall.
MARMO D'AUTORE realizes various decorative effects according to the application technique, and imagination of the decorator. MARMO D'AUTORE has excellent breathability and is particularly suitable for restoration works, even of particular historical and artistic interest.
You may all the shades, color palettes and tools by visiting The Decora Company’s website www.thedecoracompany.com
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